Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gone again ...

Honey Gail and Jayma went home yesterday. Leavings are sadder than they used to be. Am I the only one who notices?

Thursday, Honey and Karen hung wallpaper in my bathroom. I don't know how it turned out so beautiful. They paid very little attention to my bossing. After the second strip was up, I went to bed and left them without adult supervision. They never noticed I was gone. I heard loud laughter. Somebody accused somebody of cutting a strip way too short. Laughter increased. My anxiety level kept pace with their fun level.

Jayma lay beside me to get her back rubbed. (Mothers never stop wanting to cuddle their children and their children's children.) The two of us watched more than half of the movie, "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," based on one of many classic books I read in my youth. I've steadily forced this book and this movie on any child who'll sit still for it. Few do. Jayma finally pretended she was hungry and needed to go to the kitchen in order to escape all those boring black and white scenes of a young Irish girl in the early 1900's.

I marked our place. I'll try again next visit.

Friday and Saturday, Karen, Honey and I went to early morning garage sales. I bought an antique wagon, three books and a tree for my patio. What fun! Getting into and out of the car was a bit time-consuming, and my daughters grabbed every smallest opportunity to tell me what a pain-in-the-butt I was! But, their hands were gentle ... and their hugs were sweet ...

Sticks and stones ....

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