Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Update on Honey ...

First message came at 11:23 this morning.  She had seen the doctor and was pleased that her white blood cell count was 17,500.   And she and Mark were waiting for the treatment to begin.

Second message at 2:22 ... The doctor said the tumor is now too small to accurately measure and the lymph node can no longer be felt.  All good.  So very good.

3:02 ... final message simply said  "All done."  

She and Mark are probably out walking in the woods right now.  That's what they did after her last treatment.  If I had my way she'd go straight home and get into bed, but a hovering worrisome mama seldom has her way ... (sigh)

Three down and only five to go.

Please continue to keep her in your prayers ...  Dear friends and relatives ...  So many of you ... 

Honey Gail keeps up a brave, positive, cheerful front but she knows the seriousness of this battle she's fighting, and your loving thoughts ... coming from far and near ... are a great comfort..