Thursday, November 9, 2017

Update on Honey's condition ...

Hours crawl past.  Clock hands barely move.  Then I see that several days have flown  by while I wasn't looking ...

I'm late with this update.  

A lot has happened but since I don't speak the medical language my mind only absorbs bits and pieces.  

The doctor implanted or installed - or whatever -   something called a port.  It was put under her skin on her chest to permit drugs to go straight into a larger deeper artery, bypassing smaller veins which are more easily damaged.

I did my own careful inspection with the help of a strong flashlight.  It didn't look at all the way I expected.   

I thought a needle would never stick her again after the port was put in.   I was wrong.  A needle still has to go through her skin to reach the port.  

Something called a Pet scan was run ... searching for other cancer cells in her body.  Several long days went by before the results were available and Jennie sent word that Honey Gail was in the clear.

November 7th she received her first Chemotherapy  treatment ... Her husband, Mark, and daughter, Jennie, were with her every minute.  She made it through just fine.  So far, so good.   She had bandages that could not be removed for a day or two so she could not take a shower.  She got up and went to work next morning anyway.    That was yesterday.  Today, she's back in her office again.  I didn't ask how she smelled.  Tomorrow is a holiday.  Maybe she will rest.  

Next chemotherapy is scheduled for the 21st of November.  

One down now and only seven to go.

Honey Gail is doing real well.

The rest of us are doing the best we can.